Happy Monday Friends!
Quite a bit has happened since my last blog post and I could bore you with all the details but I would rather just start where I am.
We are living in beautiful Savannah, Georgia
What an amazing place to be!
Just loving life with my husband right now.
Last night I made dinner which consisted of Salmon Patties, Squash Casserole, and Spinach Salad. The Spinach Salad was from The Pioneer Woman Cooks and I got the casserole from Pinterest. I wasn't that impressed with the squash so I will continue to look for a better recipe but the Spinach Salad was wonderful! I love that cookbook! The meal required chopping two onions - not one of my favorite pastimes.
Lots of tears and sniffles. I have however come to the conclusion that if you drink wine while chopping, there will be far less tears!
Well, enough about dinner! I plan to open my Etsy Shop this week as well as a Facebook Page under the name, The Tattered Hankie - kinda a silly name but it describes me pretty well and is close to my heart. I think I got my love for hankies (as well as tea cups) from my grandmother, Nanny. The shop will have handmade jewelry created by my Mom and Dad, Shabby Chic Christmas decorations including Stockings, Vintage Finds and Re-creations, and more created by me. I hope you'll check it out. I will let you know as soon as it opens!
Here is a little sneak preview - I made these this morning and I'm sure they will find their way onto Stockings!
Thanks for stopping by! I love comments!