Well, I have discovered that I'm not very good at blogging. As with most things I get really excited about something and then lose interest. I guess it's really about time - I just don't have the time to do everything I want to do. Blogging is not high on my list of priorities but I thought I would just update the black hole out there.
I have turned the upstairs rooms into an art loft with plenty of room for scrapping and stamping with friends and my mom. I even talked my dad into working on the doll house in that space.
We have gutted the pool house turned cottage and are waiting for the contractor to do some work on the foundation so we can finish the renovating so my parents can move in. I worry about it being too small but I still think they will enjoy it. Rick thinks (ever the optimist) that it should be finished by summer.
Speaking of summer, I am so ready for spring time and warmer weather. This has been one of the coldest and rainiest winters for us. I could never live in the North!
Back to the house - although all of our resources are going to the cottage right now I would like to do some sprucing up before May. I am planning a big Graduation Party for Mattie who will be graduating from UMHB (hence the graduation party) the first of May. I will keep you posted and will try to post my pictures from Christmas (hopefully before next Christmas!)
Well, no promises but I will write as the mood strikes me, anymore would be like work and I have enough of that at my actual job.